HANDS Legacy

Housing and Neighborhood Development Services, Inc. (HANDS) was formed in 1986 by community leaders and clergy to reverse the disinvestment and decline plaguing East Orange and Orange, two urban municipalities in Essex County, NJ. Over nearly 40 years, HANDS has evolved with these neighborhoods, innovating community development strategies that fuel revitalization, stimulate the local economy, and develop business and community leadership. 

HANDS’ legacy includes developing hundreds of deteriorated properties into homes for over 460 families and local businesses. Currently, HANDS owns and manages 13 buildings, housing 65 rental residences and commercial spaces that include galleries/art studios, restaurants, wellness businesses, a food pantry, community theater, and shared commercial kitchen. 

These assets exist because residents worked together to set priorities and garner investment in their own thriving. HANDS continues to support neighborhood planning by convening residents to cocreate their vision for Greater Orange, then leveraging these plans to bring in funds from local, state, and national institutions.  

HANDS proudly plays a strategic, critical role in advancing the quality of life in Greater Orange.