Celebrating Robin Gordon

In 2005, Robin Gordon assumed the role of Administrative Manager at HANDS, the same time HANDS was establishing the Valley Arts District. The goal of the Valley Arts District was to rehabilitate and populate properties with folks who wanted to create arts energy that would empower not only artists but also community members.

“It wasn't, oh, let's get some beautiful paintings and sit around and talk about what they might mean,” Robin recalls. “It was active and participatory and joyful and community building. We were generating interest and buzz that was sparking all over the place. The thing that made me think ‘Oh, this is really catching on,’ is when the township of West Orange—without being asked—allocated funding for a mural on the side of the building where Luna Stage Theater is now. That beautiful mural still exists today.” 

Animating the community’s vision gave Robin and the staff at HANDS energy and purpose. Her passion was helping to improve the quality of life of Orange residents and empowering their journeys. Robin’s motivation was endless because she was able to articulate that passion through her work while also having fun. She says the HANDS staff was known for their creativity, and having a sense of humor.

What was and continues to be unique about HANDS’ approach to community is listening to the residents' needs, desires, and aspirations for how the community should move into the future. Robin and HANDS leadership worked hard to turn those desires and aspirations into programs that impacted the community.

Robin views collaboration with other community partners as paramount. “Without collaboration, and multiple voices, we would have made narrow progress, but not the breadth of progress we were able to make.” 

HANDS knew their “lane,” as Robin puts it, and knew that to accomplish the community’s vision, collaboration with community partners was essential.

Several of those collaborators are 2024 CLA Awardees, Orange Public Schools, Luna Stage Theater, and Garden State Kitchen, to name a few, and others who have gone on to form their own entities, expanding beyond Orange and East Orange.

One such organization grew to deal with vacant properties statewide, and, “Operation Neighborhood Recovery” an initiative that took place during the foreclosure crisis, birthed a separate, ongoing nonprofit that today has expanded beyond New Jersey.

During her 18 years at HANDS, Robin grew into the Director of Administration role, helped secure over $20 million in grant support, and was an advocate for preserving historic properties. At the start of a pandemic, she was instrumental in bringing the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges (IFPO) into a permanent space. IFPO now serves over 700 families a week with fresh food, toiletries, diapering essentials, menstrual care products, and other essentials. Even in retirement, Robin remains dedicated to her passion for serving, volunteering with IFPO, and continuing to make a positive impact on the community. Her enduring commitment reflects the profound influence HANDS continues to have on the community to this day.

Thank you, Robin, for your 18 years of service to HANDS and to the community!


Celebrating IyaSokoya Karade, aka Coach Iya, of Athletic Arts Academy


Regional Foundation Announces $2 Million in Grant Awards – HANDS, Inc. Awarded $375,000!